Equipped with state-of-the-art MedX strengthening and rehabilitation equipment.

MedX is among the most technically advanced exercise equipment in the world, developed through decades of independent, science-based research.

Utilising low friction and balanced resistance, this equipment allows us to safely isolate and exercise key muscle groups, providing even loading throughout the full range of movement.

“We are proud to have one of the few MedX lumbar extension machines in the UK. This machine alone has helped thousands worldwide reduce or eliminate back pain while increasing function and quality of life.”

Making it easy to train hard

Our zero-friction equipment makes it easy to train hard without risking injury. We can safely and accurately load your muscles with manageable resistance that is matched to your strength profile. We can then guide you through each exercise to ensure you are working at the right intensity and that you are getting the most out of your workout.

This careful and consistent loading of muscles allows us to safely inroad key muscle groups to the point of momentary muscular failure – the most effective and time-efficient way to achieve optimal results from your workout.

Scientifically proven equipment

The benefits of an even and meaningful load

By ensuring muscles are evenly loaded throughout the range of motion (as opposed to free weights or traditional cable and pully gym equipment) we remove strain on connective tissue around joints and limitations such as grip strength. We can focus on form, technique, and individual progress.

A quiet environment where you can challenge yourself

Free from the grunting, hysterics, and pumping music you might find elsewhere, Eight Five Gym delivers tailored training sessions on a 1-to-1 basis in a calm, supportive, and distraction-free environment.

Focused training